Sturgeon Lake Walleye Slot Size Chart

Sturgeon Lake Walleye Slot Sizes
Fish SpeciesArctic Char Arctic Grayling Black Crappie Bullhead Burbot Brook Trout Brown Trout Carp Channel Catfish Freshwater Drum Golden Eye Kokanee Mooneye Lake Herring (Cisco, Tullibee) Lake Sturgeon Lake Trout Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Muskellunge Pumpkinseed (Sunfish) Rainbow Trout Rock Bass Sauger and Saugeye Smallmouth Bass Splake Walleye Whitefish White Bass White Sucker Yellow Perch | Length in inches22 16 12 10 24 18 20 30 24 20 10 16 10 16 40 30 20 40 40 9 25 10 16 20 20 26 22 10 16 12 |
For any other fish species the minimum length requirement is 9'.
Minimum length requirements are subject to change without notice.
Any questions, concerns or comments?
Contact us: recordfishcanada@recordfishcanada.com
25 in total, of which only 1 may be flathead catfish from the Lake Winnebago system: Cisco (lake herring), whitefish, and hybrids Inland waters Outlying waters: 10 in total 10 in total: Lake sturgeon: 1 per season: Largemouth and smallmouth bass: 5 in total: Muskellunge: 1: Northern pike All waters north of U.S. Hwy 10 All waters south of U.S. Fish less than 15 inches cannot be harvested. Slot Limits or Protected Length Ranges (PLRs) allow anglers to harvest fish above and below a specified length range. For example, a 14–18″ PLR protects fish in the 14- to 18-inch length group. Measure a Shovelnose Sturgeon. Sturgeon are measured from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail. Only shovelnose sturgeon are legal to keep. Missouri Game Fish. Click on a fish's name to view detailed information about it.

- . The 17-26' protected slot limit for walleye on the following Itasca County lakes has changed to a 20-24' protected slot with only one over 24' allowed: Moose, Split Hand, Swan, and Trout lakes.
- Sturgeon Lake boasted the state record walleye for some time with a 16 pound eight ounce specimen caught in 1949. This lake is still home to a good number of “double-digit” walleyes.