Fullcalendar is a jQuery plugin which gives a full-sized calendar with drag-and-drop and with many other features. Events can be dragged on to the calendar and can be resized. It uses AJAX to dynamically load the events on the fly. In this article I will explain how to enable the fullcalendar with different options and loading events dynamically from the database.

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Enabling the fullcalendar interface

FullCalendar in Rails not matching up right week. Found the fix and posting just in case anyone happens to run into this bizarre/rare scenario in the future. FullCalendar has a section that undos Twitter's Bootstrap box-sizing rules for the positioning of the calendar elements:.fc-view-container.,.fc-view-container.:before,.fc-view-container.:after. Agenda views of other durations can be made with a custom view with type 'agenda'. The following options are specific to agenda view. However, there are numerous other options throughout the docs that affect the display of agenda view, such as the locale-related options and date/time display options. What better way to Custom Slots Fullcalendar try out a Custom Slots Fullcalendar new casino than for free. Well, that’s what a No Deposit Bonus gives you: the ability to play the games without spending a penny and what’s even better, to actually win something too.

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If you need the calendar in your website, first download the fullcalendar files in zip format from here. Unzip the file and copy the js and css files in to the module folder of the custom module fullcalendar to use. Since we need to customize the fullcalendar in our own way, we need a custom script.js file associated with the fullcallendar. We will override all the event functions and options needed in this custom js file.

Now add the needed js and css files including the custom js file in to your module file using the drupal_add_js function.

In your custom js file you can write the following code to enable the
fullcalendar interface.

Here the id “calendar” is the id of the div in which the calendar has to be loaded. We only need to load the fullcalendar interface after loading all the DOM (Document Object Model) objects, so we have written it in the document.ready() event, which will only be initialized after loading the document completely.

Using different options

The main advantage of the fullcalendar interface is that it is customizable. Different options are provided for the developers to change the system at their own will, without editing the core. All the options can be given in the custom js file which we have created. The following are some options that are mostly used.

  1. SlotMinutes:

    This option allows as to set the amount of time for each slot of time. By default it is 30 minutes. You can change it according to your need by simply setting its vaue.

    This should be written in the custom js file. One problem that you may encounter is to set the slotMinutes value dynamically, since changing the slotMinutes values will not refresh your calendar interface. To tackle it you can write the whole fullcalendar loading code in a function and call it in the event on which you need to change the value, for example, in the change event of a drop down box or on a click of a button and so on.

  2. defaultView

    This option can be set to different values which will be the default view for the calendar at the time it is loaded. The different options are agendaDay, month, basicday etc.

  3. slotEventOverlap

    This option is very usefull in determinig whether or not the events need to be overlapped. The values can be true or false.

  4. allDay

    This option of an event determines whether an event is all the day or not. If it is an all day event then the start and end time is the start and end time of the calendar.

  5. minTime and maxTime

    These options can be used to limit the calendar start and end time. If not set, the default will be the day start and day end.

  6. start and end

    These options can be used to set the start and end of an event which is being dropped into the interface.

Customize Fullcalendar Slots

Fullcalendar events

  1. drop

    This event is called when something is dropped into the calendar interface. The things like saving the events to the database, altering the event date etc can be done in this event.

  2. eventResize

    This event is called at the time of resizing an event which is already in the calendar.

  3. events

    This fullcalendar event is used to load events from an event source at the time of loading the fullcalendar interface.

  4. eventRender

    This event is called before rendering an event to be loaded to the interface.

Some useful methods

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  1. destroy

    This method is used to destroy the fullcalendar object currently displayed. This is very useful when re-rendering the events or re-fetching the events, then there will be multiple instances of the calendar being displayed. To avoid this we can destroy the current calendar before re-fetching the events.

  2. renderEvent

    This method is used to render an event before it is loaded i to the interface.This is useful when we are loading events from an event source (json object etc), then we can render each events to display it in the calendar.

  3. removeEvents

    This method can be used to remove all or specific events from the calendar. The second parameter of this function is the id of the event to be removed. If no id is specified the all the events will be removed.

Loading events dynamically from an event source.

Event source can be anything like json object, array etc. Here we are loading events from the database by an AJAX call, and the events are returned as a json object. The arrays returned are rendred and loaded in to the calendar. Here we can use different methods and events discussed above.

We are writing the code in the fullcalendar event “events”, which is used as the event source. AJAX is used to call the drupal menu and the data is returned as a json object which will be decoded and rendered as events. The following is the sample code used to load events from database.

Here the url passed to the ajax is a drupal menu, what happens here is the callback function of the menu item will be called on the ajax call, and the data creation and database queries are written in the menu callback function in the module file.

These are the basic functionalities and options of the fullcalendar, there are many other options to be explored. For detailed information and functionalities go to the official website of Fullcalendar

We have added a few new modules to our site recently. Drupal Technical StumbleThis Leave a reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Sean (not verified) access_time 16 Dec 2020 - 14:49 Hi there, I uploaded the files, enabled the modules to use SU, and now I see the link, but there is no icon...How can I fix this?Thanks,Sean webmaster access_time 16 Dec 2020 - 14:49 In reply to Icon doesn't show by Sean (not verified) What do you see when you view the source? Search for stumblethis_button and you should be able to see the code for the image and the URL. Then you should be able to troubleshoot from there. Juicy Couture Addict (not verified) access_time 16 Dec 2020 - 14:49 thanks for the post. would love to hear more of you. by the way, drupal's really popular nowadays as it has easy and fast features. you agree with me? thanks. Add new comment

Fullcalendar hide time slots

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Remove/hide time slot ranges · Issue #3307 · fullcalendar , I've been able to remove time slot ranges based on background events created by my users (see below), this is all working great and looks fine Determines how wide each of the time-axis slots will be. Specified as a number of pixels. When not specified, a reasonable value will be automatically computed.

How to hide time-slots in 'agendaWeek' View of FullCalendar , not sure if that's what you mean. but to hide the first column in schedule try this css selector (remove formID3A if you got prependId = 'false' in To hide them all, the following should work $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ displayEventTime : false }); But if you (like me) were trying to hide the time of a specific event, I found pretty clean way. Just create the following CSS class and refer to it in the event property 'className':.hideCalendarTime > div > span.fc-time{ display:none; }

slotDuration, The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21); Hiring The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21) Hiring — Technical Documentation Writer (posted Jul 14)

Full calendar select time slot

Date Clicking & Selecting, Detect when the user clicks on dates or times. Give the user the ability to select multiple dates or time slots with their mouse. Give the user the ability to select multiple dates or time slots with their mouse or touch device. selectable Allows a user to highlight multiple days or timeslots by clicking and dragging.

Date Clicking & Selecting, Finally i got solution. dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { alert(date); // Gives Sat Nov 21 2015 19:00:00 GMT+0000 }. Here date gives me Sat Nov 21 If you tap on the Suggest Times option, you’ll be redirected to a new window that shows your calendar. You’ll get to choose options such as meeting duration and select free time slots accordingly.

Full calendar: On click of time slot wrong time selected, Sure, it's useful. You can trigger that alert on select : select: function(start, end, allDay, jsEvent, view) { alert('you have clicked on this slot'); },. In the event box that pops up, click Appointment slots. Enter the details, including a title, and pick the calendar where you want the event to show up. To add more information, like a location or

Fullcalendar custom time slots


Customize the time slots in Fullcalendar, There are options like slotMinutes which let you customize the way the slots are displayed, but the timeSlots are displayed per hour by default. There is no option that let's you customize that display. However, you could customize the code - fork it on github and change what you need. Is it possible to customize the time slots in the day and week view in the Fullcalendar plugin so it would look like a timetable that are used in schools for example. To be specific what the requirement is: One slot could be from 08:00 to 08:45 and the next one could be from 08:45 to 09:00.

Custom time slot grids for week view · Issue #4448 · fullcalendar , Hi, Generally , we do have time slot grids like 6:00 to 6:30 and 6:31 to 7:00. These are 2 time slots, between these we get a grid line.Now i will The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight).. Determines the first time slot, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way back.

slotDuration, The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21); Hiring When creating a custom-duration view, reasonable defaults for the slot-related settings will automatically be chosen. The following options are specific to Timeline view. However, there are numerous other options throughout the docs that affect the display of Timeline view, such as the locale-related options , date/time display options , and

Full calendar time range

visibleRange, Sets the exact date range that is visible in a view. Object or Function. If your calendar has only one view, you can set the visible range explicitly:. Add own events to PDF Calendar. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total. Calendar type: Gregorian calendar. No holidays are currently shown or available. Holidays are not shown. Select Holidays:

validRange, Dates outside of the valid range will be grayed-out. which is useful for constraining navigation and events to a window of time in the future. To change the time range for all calendars in Outlook, please do as follows: 1. Click File > Options to o pen the Outlook Options dialog box. 2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, please click Calendar in the left bar, and then specify the new time range in both Start time and End time boxes. See screenshot:

Time Range on a week and day view, Try using the agendaDay view with this: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ minTime: '​07:00:00', maxTime: '21:00:00' });. minTime: Determines the Calendar Generator – Create a calendar for any year. Monthly Calendar – Shows only 1 month at a time; Custom Calendar – Make advanced customized calendars; Printable Calendar (PDF) – Calendars especially made for printing; Date Calculators. Duration Between Two Dates – Calculates number of days. Date Calculator – Add or subtract

Fullcalendar start time

minTime, The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight). Determines the first time slot, even when the The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight). Determines the first time slot, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way back.

firstHour, Values must be from 0-23, where 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc. The user will be able to scroll upwards to see events before this time. If you want to If the time parts of only start or end is provided, FullCalendar assumes that allDay is false. start. As defined above, this is the date when an event begins. In other words, the event starts from this given date value and continues onwards. This value specifies the inclusive start of the event.

Event::setStart, Sets an event's start date. If you'd like to set both the start and end at the same time, use setDates instead. If there are other events that share Time-text will only be displayed for Event Objects that have allDay equal to false. Here is an example of displaying all events in a 24-hour format: $ ( '#calendar' ). fullCalendar ({ events : [ { title : 'My Event' , start : '2010-01-01T14:30:00' , allDay : false } // other events here ], timeFormat : 'H(:mm)' // uppercase H for 24-hour clock });

Fullcalendar duration

duration, Special Case. If the duration is specified like {weeks:1} , then the dateAlignment will automatically default to start-of-week. However, if it is FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help If the duration is specified like {weeks:1}, then the dateAlignment will automatically default to start-of-week.


Duration Object, Duration Object. A duration is a way to express an amount of time that has passed. It can also be used to express a time-of- A duration is a way to express an amount of time that has passed. It can also be used to express a time-of-day, in other words, the amount of time that has passed since the start of the day. FullCalendar’s API accepts durations at various points, such as slotDuration. It can be specified in one of three ways:

duration, Example for a Custom View: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ defaultView: '​agendaFourDay', views: { agendaFourDay: { type: 'agenda', duration: In FullCalendar’s API, most options that accept Durations also conveniently accept anything that the moment.duration constructor accepts, including the following: '23:59' // hours/minutes '23:59:59' // hours/minutes/seconds '1.23:59:59' // days/hours/minutes/seconds { days:1, hours:23, minutes:59 } // an object.

Fullcalendar v4

V4 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide, A year after the project first began, version 4 is finally released. A tremendous amount of work went into it. FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.2 These docs are for an old release.

V4 Officially Released, CSS Importing. In v4, it was your responsibility to import all of fullcalendar's stylesheets. You may have done this in one your project's SASS files. Or, Version 4 is the biggest FullCalendar release to date. It sheds a number of outdated dependencies and offers a more modern API. It is also the first time connector plugins to third-party libraries are offered. Major breaking changes: Removal of jQuery as a dependency. Consequently: Raw DOM nodes are used in place of jQuery objects

V5 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide, License · Premium · v5.3.0. These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v5. main icon view table-of-contents view. v5, v4, v3, v2, v1 FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.1 View API. defaultView

Fullcalendar snapduration

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snapDuration, snapDuration. The time interval at which a dragged event will snap to the time axis. Also affects the granularity at which selections can be made snapDuration. The time interval at which a dragged event will snap to the time axis. Also affects the granularity at which selections can be made. Duration. The default value will be whatever slotDuration is, which defaults to half an hour.

How to use snapDuration in fullCalendar?, It's not explicitly stated in the documentation but it appears that snapDuration only comes into effect when its duration is smaller than the FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.0 Documentation

when snapDuration larger than slotDuration, buggy selection , I'd appreciate any suggestions! @arshaw arshaw transferred this issue from fullcalendar/fullcalendar When selecting a time interval to add an event to the calendar, I expect it to 'snap' to the snapDuration value (e.g., 2 hours) but it is only constrained by the slotDuration (e.g., 30 minutes). I can add some extra javascript to get the constraint I need, but I would prefer to handle this natively with fullcalendar if possible.

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