Generally, the minimum age to reserve a guestroom at Hotel Casino New Nouveau Brunswick is 19 years old, however this age may vary depending on property location. A person of the minimum age requirement must be present at check-in time and become a registered guest in the roomCHILDREN
At Hotel Casino New Nouveau Brunswick, children are 17 years old and younger and room rate may vary on child's age.NUMBER PER ROOM
The maximum number of people (combined adults and children) allowed per room is typically four (4) guests, depending on room type. For optimal search results when booking more than one room, please separate accompanying children equally between rooms.
Generally, the minimum age to reserve a guestroom at Hotel Casino New Nouveau Brunswick is 19 years old, however this age may vary depending on property location. A person of the minimum age requirement must be present at check-in time and become a registered guest in the roomCHILDREN
At Hotel Casino New Nouveau Brunswick, children are 17 years old and younger and room rate may vary on child's age.NUMBER PER ROOM
The maximum number of people (combined adults and children) allowed per room is typically four (4) guests, depending on room type. For optimal search results when booking more than one room, please separate accompanying children equally between rooms.
Casino New Brunswick hosts concerts for a wide range of genres from artists such as Alan Doyle, having previously welcomed the likes of Clairvoyants, Matthew Good, and Minipop Kids. Browse the list of upcoming concerts, and if you can’t find your favourite artist, track them and let Songkick tell you when they are next in your area. Hotel Casino New Nouveau Brunswick The only one of it’s kind in the province, Hotel Casino New Brunswick is your spectacular entertainment destination for all your excitement. Along with the Casino, the property has a multi-purpose entertainment and convention centre and a full service spa.
Best Available Rate search does not include government rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal or provincial government employee. Valid government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay. Government rates are offered Sunday-Thursday ONLY.
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